Bleach dye and dye.
11:30 till 5pm. I think i sat until my butt cramped and my arms froze but it was so so worth it. [: Hilarious going to the toilet in a thin plastic gown with a head full of tin foil and cling film.
Fine arts briefing tomorrow morning but I feel like being a nerd and playing the SIMS.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Had hotcakes for breakfast dripping with butter and maple syrup.
Orgasmic. :D
Baby took the day off and the day was spent exploring. Exploring the depths of the POSB bank for a replacement atm card, exploring the ICA building for the refund for a found-again IC and exploring from lavender to little india for a tiny french cafe. Proved illusive but another great day.
Haji Lane at night: magical. And severley overpriced. Too broke for shisha and beers and had to content myself with just staring hungrily at bags/shoes/rings till I could almost imagine they were mine. Hehe.
I guess the flea market's destined to remain forever more my thing.
I want the $60 typewriter in the pretty hard-cased flea-bitten leather box.
I want I want I want!
My baby never looked so cute sweaty with his curly hair flying around. I think he could have easily sold at a million dollars. Except he's priceless. And mine, of course :D
Dyeing hair again tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
And am obsessed by my durian craving. I wonder if one day I will just morph into a durian. And my spikes shall be my secret weapon. BACK! BACK FIENDS! ALL MINE! MUAHAHA!
In case you couldn't tell; I can get incredibly territorial about durians.
And I can't believe I just spazzed over durians and not my upcoming bleach job.
I am obviously a nutter.
__maybe tomorrow, i'll find my way home ;
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Awful weather today. Melted-vivi puddles all over PS, Bugis and City Hall and my hair behaved horribly. But it was a good day.
Laughter for lunch makes a good appetite.
Cigarettes and waiting but i'm more afraid of skin cancer. The fucking sun still keeps shining. Sweat, shiny and smoke. Yummy. Some shade please?
But the smile on your face made everything worth it.
Oh, and I got into fine arts :D
I miss my skinny beanpole of a hero. The one that snores and snuffles in his sleep then denies he did and then does it all over again. The one that never forgets to hold my hand or put his arm around my waist when we go out and gets pissy when I leave my fingers loose between his. The one that's as broke as I am but still buys me drinks and takes me places. The one that doesn't laugh when I get into girly outfits and actually takes me to go buy them. The one who rubs my feet when I can't walk anymore and lends me his shoes so I don't wear a hole into my tights. The only one that can make me feel small and female-like all the time with the best comfy spot on his chest for my head to rest on.
And the absolutely only one to abuse me on a regular basis just as much as I abuse him.
But he does it cause he loves me.
And that's why I love him.
__maybe tomorrow, i'll find my way home ;